Keeping your internal customer list and portfolio in Strise synced is a key part of integrating with Strise. The API offers some options for managing your team’s portfolio in Strise – mainly around adding and removing companies. Adding a company to portfolio uses the companyIdentifierSearch query and companyAddToMonitoring mutation.

📌 Identifying the internal ID

First, you need to find the company’s internal Strise ID. This can be done with the companyIdentifierSearch query by specifying that we want the id included in your response.

Something like this gets us Strise’s internal id

query search {
    where: { identifiers: ["918330100"], country: "NO" }
  ) {
    edges {
      node {

<aside> ℹ️ Tip: you can search for more than one ID at a time by separating the IDs with a comma (e.g. “id1” , “id2”)


➕ Adding to portfolio

With this id in hand, we can proceed to adding the company to your portfolio through the companyAddToMonitoring mutation.

mutation addToPortfolio {
  companyAddToMonitoring(where: { id: "Q28792275" }) {
    company {

Look for a "success": true to confirm that the company was successfully added ✨ It will now appear in Strise with the status: Following.

<aside> ℹ️ Tip: you can add more than one company to your portfolio at a time by using the companiesAddToMonitoring mutation.

mutation CompaniesAddToPortfolio {
    where: { ids: ["id1", "id2"] }
  ) {

Including failed here lets you know if any of the IDs included failed to be added to the portfolio - handy for troubleshooting!


⛔️ Removing from portfolio

Similar logic as adding to portfolio is used to remove a company from your portfolio through the CompanyRemoveFromMonitoring mutation 👇

mutation CompanyRemoveFromMonitoring {
    where: { id: "Q28792275" }
  ) {
    company {

Look for a "success": true to confirm that the company was successfully removed ✨

<aside> ℹ️ Note: removing a company from the portfolio does not remove any data - all previous Reviews will still be accessible.
