This page will take you through the best practice for onboarding new business customers with the Strise API.

Onboarding a new business customer involves two main steps:

1. Screening the company: Check for any risk factors

2. Adding the company to Strise: complete the onboarding or ready the company for a manual Review

🔍 Screening the customer: check for any risk factors

First, you'll screen the company to identify if there are any risk factors. You can choose the specific data you need based on your AML process via the companyIdentifierSearch ****query.

To screen a company, you can use its official identifier (e.g. a organisation number) along with a matching country code. You’ll also need to specify which risk variables you are interested in screening.

<aside> 👉 Wondering what variables you can select?

Check out the full list in the Company type definition documentation 🌟


In this example, you’ll be screening for two risk factors:

You’ll need to first request the sanction status for the company itself. It can be smart to also ask for the company’s internal Strise ID as that is useful for the next step of the onboarding.

You can then specify that you want to know about the relationship type "Beneficial owners" and those roles’ PEP and sanction status.

query OnboardNewCompany {
  companyIdentifierSearch(where: { identifiers: ["id1"], country: "NO" }) {
    edges {
      node {
        relationships(kind:[BENEFICIAL_OWNERSHIP], preferCustomRelations: false) {
          edges {
            node {
              ... on BusinessPerson {

With this data in hand, you can decide the next step: complete the onboarding or continue with enhanced due diligence (EDD). By adding the screened company to Strise, you’ll be prepared for both scenarios.

For EDD cases, the company is easily accessible to case worker in Strise. For a completed onboarding, this automatically adds the customer to monitoring - alerting you if anything changes (see ‣ for more details).

Let's explore how we navigate through this next steps with Strise!

➕ Adding to portfolio: complete the onboarding or ready the company for a manual Review

To add a company to your portfolio, we need its internal id. You’ll remember that the id was included in our earlier example, but it can also be retrieved by a separate query.

You’ll use the companyAddToMonitoring mutation to continue the onboarding:

mutation AddToPortfolio {
  companyAddToMonitoring(where: { id: "Q28792275" }) {
    company {